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Almost a decade
crafting experiences. underline sketch

abstract cell sketchabstract sketches gif

From product conception,
to UI/UX design, and front-end.
A designer who codes. And blogs.


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My design philosophy is based on functional minimalism. I firmly believe that more is not always better and that clarity should prevail over complexity. Each product I design and develop aims to make users' lives and work simpler and more efficient.

My core values include:

  • Functionality over aesthetics, without sacrificing visual appeal.
  • Respect for the user's attentional health.
  • Ethical design that considers the user's overall well-being.
  • Teamwork and community over personal advantage.

I strive to create products that not only fulfill their purpose but also respect the user's time and attention. Ethics is a fundamental aspect at every stage of my creative process, ensuring that each solution is not only effective but also responsible and user-centered.


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In product conception, my holistic approach combines design and front-end development to create solutions aimed at improving user experience. My methodology spans from capturing needs to implementing and validating hypotheses.

I've conceptualized applications ranging from logistics systems handling thousands of daily shipments to insurance claim management platforms. In these projects, I've addressed crucial aspects such as fostering user trust and optimizing the assimilation of large volumes of complex information.

My training and experience allow me to cover the entire spectrum of product development, ensuring that each solution is as effective as it is innovative.


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My UI/UX approach is based on an iterative process that begins with freehand sketches to explore ideas freely, either after conversations with stakeholders or through workshops organized specifically for this purpose. I primarily use Figma for detailed design, complemented by Procreate for illustrations and Adobe suite for image and vector graphics processing.

My experience includes:

  • Creating interfaces for complex data management and designing microinteractions that elevate the user experience.
  • Developing surveys and analyzing user feedback to inform design decisions.
  • Producing design systems to unify communication and interfaces for both internal and client products.
  • Product design for various purposes and scales of use.
  • Organizing and executing cross-company workshops to establish priorities and conceptualize product areas.
  • Founding innovative design methodologies in corporate environments.

Each project is an opportunity to merge aesthetics and functionality, creating interfaces that are not only visually appealing but also intuitive and efficient.


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With solid knowledge in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, my expertise focuses on VueJS and NuxtJS, although I also have experience with ReactJS and NextJS. My background includes work with MongoDB, SQLite, NodeJS, and testing with Cypress.

Highlights of my front-end experience:

  • Leadership in front-end projects.
  • Development of projects where animation and UX are fundamental and distinctive elements.
  • Experience in migrating from Vue 1 to Vue 2, and from Vue 2 to Vue 3.

My unique approach lies in the seamless integration between design and front-end development. This allows me to create MVPs that cleanly evolve into production products, always keeping UX as a priority. I have excelled in projects involving interfaces with complex dynamic data, especially in the logistics sector, where efficiency and precision are crucial.

About me

Raised in Buenos Aires, living in Barcelona. I'm a Designer, nowadays working as Product Engineer with a focus on UX & Front-end, and almost a decade of experience crafting experiences. I hold an associate degree in Graphic Design and have extensive professional experience as a Software Engineer, demonstrating expertise in UX development, attention to detail, creativity, and problem-solving abilities that leads to improvements on the User's journeys.


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You can see the source code of this project here, and you can reach me at